The Relationship Between Weight, Reps & Rest

There are two main reasons for weight training: building muscles and losing weight. You could certainly have both as your goals. But most people start with one or the other.

For our purpose here, let’s say that you either want to lose weight or you desire to build muscles. The difference between the two is obviously managing intensity (weight) and frequency (reps). What isn’t so obvious, but equally important, is the rest time between reps.

For size and strength, less is more when it comes to reps. You’d want to do heavier weight, but with less reps. You’d also want longer rest between reps. Three to 5 minutes is ideal, as that allows your muscle fibers to recover. The recovery promotes strength and growth.

To lose weight, you do the opposite: lower weight, more reps, and shorter rest (1 to 2 minutes). The short rest stimulates more calorie burn.

So depending on your goals, the rest between reps is crucial. As always, exercise in general is great for your health. But having a focused workout with a targeted approach will give you the results you want faster. Measurable results, in turn, will keep you motivated and engaged.

(Photo by Cyril Saulnier on Unsplash)