Time is priceless, here’s how to make more

Time is the most valuable commodity we have in life. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Forever. You can’t turn back the hands of time.

What if you can make more time? What if there is something you can do to extend the clock, so you have more time to spend with family and friends, watch your kids grow up, and do all the things you want to do but seem not have time for?

What if that’s possible? I’m here to tell you it is possibly. The question is: Would you do it?
The secret is exercise. You probably knew the answer all along. But you were hoping for a magic pill or something miraculous. Here’s the thing. Exercise is a virtuous cycle. The more you do it, the more you want to do it. The more energy you expend, the more you have. Your brain secretes endorphin, a.k.a. the happiness drug, when you workout. Runners call it runner’s high. You get into a zone and you want more of it. 

The physical benefits are numerous. Exercise promotes healing, regulates digestion, and speeds up regenerative processes. In other words, it actually keeps you younger.

In addition, exercise makes you more focused, attentive, and sharp. In other words, it actually makes you smarter. 

You can’t put a value on time, but you could add value to the time you have. Normal people tend to waste time. Smart people try to use every minute they have. But brilliant people extend their time by taking care of themselves, specifically by exercising. In doing so, they stay young longer and they are sharper, which lets them better enjoy the things they do and the people they surround themselves with.

So what are YOU waiting for?